The Nehrenz Network
Vol. 2. Number 2
September 1996



---Dave Nehrenz---
Greetings from Oklahoma to all of you fellow NEHRENZ and NERENZ folks. The number of our contacts, relatives and interested family members still is increasing! It seems clear so far that there is a connection between the NEHRENZ and NERENZ lines. But the NEHREN line does not seem to be a part of either of these.

Thus, we will be dropping the NEHREN names from our roster. Actually, in the genealogy records I have seen, there are many more NEHREN people around and someone in their line has probably already done their research. It is much rarer to find the NEHRENZ or NERENZ name, which is good for genealogy pursuits. I guess the more odd and unusual the name, the easier it is to make actual connections between various people who share it!

Thanks to all of you who are participating!

"TROLLENHAGEN-we have pictures!
The ancestors of Johann Christian Theodore Nehrenz have their roots in Trollenhagen, a little town north of Neubrandenburg, north of Berlin. I contacted a man there who sent me 90 addresses of every household in Trollenhagen.

I wrote a letter in German to all of them, requesting that somebody send pictures, photos and information about their little "dorf" (village) Three people have responded so far: an airport administrator of the Trollenhagen Flughafen; a registrar of the area churches; and a resident presently living there in Trollenhagen.

Though I am sure that they think I am some "kook" from the USA, (writing all these German people "sight unseen"!) it is exciting to begin to have some of them correspond!

News about Nehrenz folk in the USA includes the following:

-Harold Nehrenz son of Dr. John Nehrenz (Henry Nehrenz Line) passed away this March in Oklahoma.  Our condolences to his wife Lucille and family.

-A Nehrenz family reunion was held September 1st in Ohio and for the first time Alvin Nehrenz (Frederick Nehrenz line) and his wife from Baltimore, MD. have joined them. It is great to see Nehrenz people "networking"! :)

-Isabelle Pusey in Ohio contacted Leonard Nehrenz and his daughter Kathleen (William Nehrenz line) asking about other Nehrenzs. Isabelle is from the (Christian Nehrenz line) and now a whole new link has been established! Welcome to Isabelle and her family! 

-No contacts have as yet been made with members of the ("Jane" Johanna Nehrenz line- she became a "Beier"). Nor have we located family from the other sister -(Wilhelmine Nehrenz line).

Can anyone help with either of these ancestral lines?

-The (Henry Nehrenz) line will have a reunion in the summer of 1997 in Indiana. (Clyde Nehrenz family) ANYONE ELSE HAVING A REUNION THIS YEAR?


In Germany, the only folks related to us are the Nerenz people. There are no Nehrenz named people over there anymore.

-The Nerenz line we have learned about came from WARNITZ and SCHOENFLIESS, in MARK BRANDENBURG PRUSSIA.

-The Nehrenz line we know came from GRISCHOW in POMMERANIA (Daniel Nehrenz came from there to TROLLEN- HAGEN) Daniel was father of Christian Matthias, father of Johann Christian Nehrenz.

The microfilm copies of the Trollenhagen Church records are still being painstakingly reviewed. Any page with any Nehrenz or Nerenz name is being photocopied.

-The varied spellings include: NERENZ, NEHRENZ, NEHRENTZ, and NIERENTZ (earliest). This gives an important clue, because both the Nerenz and Nehrenz line go back to the common Nierentz.

-Records include: birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage, funeral. Written in old German script, they are very difficult to read and de-cipher. The Nehrenz family lived with and intermarried with families in Trollenhagen named: Gunther, Lemke, Scharff, Bors, Greve, Wilk, Bartel.

-The Church District for Trollenhagen was in Neddemin north of the town. Neubrandenburg, though close by, was in a different district. Correspondence with German church officials is presently continuing.

I. To repeat from the other newsletters: the 750th anniversary of the founding of the city of Neubrandenburg, just south of Trollenhagen, is in 1998. This would be a great time to see this famous "City of the Four Gates" and research and visit Trollenhagen. Check out the web site for Neubrandenburg:  Click Here

(it's in German) This is a graphic of one of the gates in Neubrandenburg:

II. There are still old and new houses, the church, streets and cemetery in Trollenhagen!
The pictures we have show a small, typical German suburb.

III. If anyone is interested in a vacation trip to Germany, that person(s) (on our behalf) could take photos, video with camcorder, as well as have personal contact with people there!


1. Please save and do not discard these newsletters!

2.WILLIAM (brother of Frederick not son) NEHRENZ family. We do NOT have any photos of him, his wife and family. Send copies for next TNN Newsletter!

3. When you travel, take the enclosed NEHRENZ ROSTER with you. Take the time on your travels to call or visit one of your Nehrenz relatives listed there. LET'S NETWORK!

4. Please send updates and changes in your addresses, phone numbers etc... HOW YOU CAN HELP?
A. You can still keep on sending photos, clippings, certificates etc... to be put into the Nehrenz Archives.

B. To those of you who have helped with postage: Paul Nehrenz, Chuck and Ruby Wolcott, Isabelle Pusey, Virginia Harwood, Alvin Nehrenz, Leonard Nehrenz and others. Thanks to all.

 Future help is indeed appreciated!

C. Write down stories, incidents, memorable events and your memories of grandparents and parents NOW! Don't wait- record these, copy them, send us one copy and send the other copies to your immediate family members.

D. Recall once again the 3 Purposes for "The Nehrenz Network":

1.) RESEARCH of our ancestry in GERMANY
2.) DISCOVERY of our ancestry in the USA
3.) NETWORK with our living relatives WORLDWIDE

NEWSLETTER-Second 1996 edition
Editor - Dave Nehrenz