The Nehrenz Network
Volume 4. Number 1
Feb 1998



The Nehrenz Trek

(see the 9 black and white pictures below!)

Greetings from "The Nehrenz Network"! A hearty hello to all Nehrenz folks and relations scattered across the USA. The TNN is alive and well and many exciting contacts have happened since the last issue.

This issue will track the Nehrenz trek of our immigrant ancestors from Germany to the U.S.

Their itinerary would have been as follows: (in 1869) Trollenhagen in Mecklenberg-Strelitz, Germany to the Hamburg port from which the ship "Borussia" sailed to New York City harbor.

Then from New York City to Cleveland, Ohio and moving to various street addresses and attending several different Lutheran churches there.

Also, based on your address and all the other Nehrenz relations on The Nehrenz Roster, we will plot on a USA map where we all have settled at the present time.

It is amazing how many descendants a family line can have, and how far-flung geographically a family can become in 129 years!

Your input is always needed to keep our Nehrenz Roster current. Please let us know your address changes as well as addresses of new Nehrenz contacts.

Purposes of T.N.N.

1. To research our ancestors in Germany

2. To research our ancestors in the USA

3. To network with present-day Nehrenz people

4. To reach towards the goal of an eventual  Nehrenz History Book

Still Available:

Past TNN Newsletter Issues are still available at your request. There are 5 prior issues: 1995 (2); 1996 (2); 1997 (1). There are many names, dates, photos and interesting facts found in them. Please save and file all past issues and this 6th issue in 1998.

TNN Homepages are still active on the Internet. These include all the text from the previous 5 newsletter issues, some photos and an audio link. Soon this 6th issue will be added also.

TNN Homepage 1:

TNN Homepage 2:

Nehrenz Family Tree is still available. Complete 9 generation wall charts. See order form in this issue. Thanks for your interest and involvement! Dave Nehrenz

Photos in this issue:

1. Modern street in Trollenhagen, Germany where Nehrenzs lived from about 1780 -1869.The city of Neubrandenburg's Airport is now located in the rural area of Trollenhagen.

2. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Trollenhagen, Germany where Nehrenzs were baptized, confirmed, married and buried. Still stands with its Church Cemetery but in disrepair.

3. The ship "Borussia" on which the Nehrenzs sailed in October/November 1869 from Hamburg, Germany to New York City

4. The Castle Clinton Monument at the Battery on Manhattan Island in New York City. (Where immigrants landed pre-Ellis Island.) This is the port where our Nehrenz ancestors first landed in their immigration to the U.S. They arrived in November of 1869.

5.  The house where Johann Christian and Marie Nehrenz lived at 7 Auburn St. (now 1026 Auburn St.) in Cleveland, OH. from 1872-80.  From 1869-71 they lived at 134 Wade Ave (which I-90 removed)

 7. Trinity Lutheran Church in Cleveland, OH. where the Nehrenzs were members in the 1870s. This is the first church they belonged to in the USA. One of oldest LCMS churches in Cleveland. (see the color picture of this church at the end of this web page!)

6.  Immanuel Lutheran Church in Cleveland, OH. where the Nehrenzs were members in 1880s.

8.  The Wade/Scranton Cemetery in Cleveland, OH. where Johann Christian and Marie Nehrenz are buried in unmarked graves.

The Nehrenz Roster Map-

The list of 125 Nehrenz families/relations scattered across 24 states all of whom originated from Cleveland, OH. (the numbers by the state abbreviations indicate how many family units live in that particular state.)


(Any financial assistance is appreciated! It costs $75 to assemble and mail one newsletter)


Information about your Nehrenz family ________________________________________________________________________
Ways you can help our efforts (Please send marked and dated copies of old and new family photos!)


Additions, Corrections for the Nehrenz Roster (addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses)



Your Request for Past TNN Newsletter Issues (please check )
1995 issue 1_______; issue 2________;

1996 issue 1_____; issue 2________; 1997 issue 1_______ (send $ for the postage only)

Order Form for "Nine-Generation Deluxe Nehrenz Family Tree" (includes several hundred people!)

Please send ______ copy(s) at $10.00 a piece (send check made out to "Dave Nehrenz")

Your Name and Address:


Please Mail To: TNN- Dave Nehrenz 902 Carey Dr. Norman, OK. 73069

  (also send in the following information):

Your Nehrenz Family Connection

Your Name:____________________________Your Profession/Job/Career: _____________________

              Family Members      Full Name     Date of Birth     Address    Other Info

Your Grandchildren:

Your Children:

You / Your Spouse:

Your Parents:

Your Grandparents:

Your Great Grandparents:

Your Great-great Grandparents:


Here is the Church Door to Trinity Lutheran Church on W. 30th St. in Cleveland, Ohio where Johann Christian and Maria Nehrenz were members in the 1870s.


Let me know what you think about my page. Send mail by clicking here.