The Nehrenz Network
 Volume 3 Number1
May 1997




Still Here!

Yes, the Nehrenz Network still exists! So sorry that it has taken so long to get back to everyone on the progress being made! The last issue was in September of 1996, so this is long overdue!

Thanks to all of you who have continued to send letters and information to us. I have appreciated your interest and help.

The projects that have been ongoing include the following:

1. A "Nehrenz Network Homepage" on the Internet (is actually 2 homepages) which includes the texts of all 4 previous TNN Newsletters.

2. Compiling all the Nehrenz entries from the Trollenhagen church records into a computer database.

3. Inputting all available Nehrenz data into a massive "Family Tree" using the Family Ties software.

4. Updating the "Nehrenz Roster" of names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

5. Wishing that everyone would get all their old and new Nehrenz photos "scanned" onto computer disks so that we can all share with one another our rare and exciting Nehrenz ancestry and stories!

Read about all these and more on the pages of this newsletter.

-the Editor- Pastor Dave Nehrenz

Lend your help today!


If you and your family are having a Nehrenz Family Reunion this summer, please let us know .

The Clyde Nehrenz (son of Dr. John Nehrenz, grandson of Henry Nehrenz) family will be having their biennial reunion from June 27th - 31st at Camp Lutherwald in Howe, IN.

Chuck and Ruby Wolcott have informed us of their frequent Nehrenz reunions as well, which we believe are over Labor Day? Is that correct?  Anyone else having one?

Also, take lots of pictures, run the camcorders and take minutes of your gatherings - indicating also all who were present. The more funny stories the better!

Let's make sure that the next generation has all kinds of information about us!

Send copies of all the above to be put into the "Nehrenz Archives"

The T.N.N. Homepages

Our Nehrenz Network Homepages have the following addresses on the Internet:

TNN Homepage 1:

TNN Homepage 2:

The second homepage has the texts of all four past TNN Newsetters in 1995 and 1996 without the pictures.

The web pages are in the process of being re-done in another format off-line, to be re-uploaded onto the Internet.

If you send Nehrenz photos of ancestors to me, I will try to add them to our Homepage.

If you ever go into a Genealogy website and search on our Nehrenz name, the only information you can ever access is Social Security death records.

Our efforts here are the only ones for our Nehrenz name, so we are the source ourselves. No one else out there has any other ancestral data. We are it!

All the more reason for you to participate!

Trollenhagen Church Records

All of the Church Records from the Lutheran Church in Trollenhagen (old Mecklen-burg Strelitz), Germany (north of Neubrandenburg which is north of Berlin) have been entered into a computer database.

What this means is this:

-every time a Nehrenz name was found anywhere from about 1805 to 1869, that page was xeroxed and the information was cataloged

-the categories included: birth and baptism , confirmation, marriage, death and burial, and serving as godparents.

-spellings of our name included: Nierentz, Nerenz and Nehrenz -worthy to note is this:

when the entry of "Daniel Nierentz" (father of Christian Matthias, grandfather of Johann Christian Theodor) is found, he is said to be from the town of "Grischow". There are 2 towns on the map with this name, one north of Trollenhagen, another west. I am not sure which one he was from, but we see that our family line now extends into a different little village, about which we know nothing!

We need folks from here to go over and visit both towns!


Nehrenz Family Tree

In the center of this newsletter is a pull-out sample "Family Tree".

It is only a basic version and covers both sides of the pull-out. To save paper in this mailing, one part flows over to the other side.

What you need to do is to copy the back side, trim with a scissors and tape both sheets together side by side for a Family Tree

The paper length is 11 x 17 inches which is the same as two 11 x 8 1/2 inch pages side by side.

The Tree is only as good as the information I have. If there are corrections, additions and deletions to be made, please send them.

This is only a sample of the expanded Nehrenz Family Tree which includes hundreds of Nehrenzs in our database. I can also insert photos of people into it.

NOTE: For a detailed 9 generation "Deluxe" Nehrenz Family Tree, please send $10.00 to the TNN Address. It will be about 36 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. You will tape together separate 4 ft. sections of the total tree!

See order form on page 3.

The Nehrenz Roster: This issue of the newsletter does not include an updated "Nehrenz Roster" of Nehrenz addresses, phone numbers, spouses, children and e-mail addresses, since the "Nehrenz Family Tree" is featured this time. The last 3 issues in 1995 and 1996 had such a Roster. Please send corrected addresses and information using the form to clip-out below. Thanks!

Old Photos Scanned Onto Disk: If you have access to a computer page scanner, take your old photos and have them scanned onto a disk. In the long run, for our posterity's sake, this is one of the most important projects we ought all to have. The reason? All those old photos are getting yellow, cracked and brittle. With them scanned onto a computer disk, ALL of our pictures can be shared with EVERYONE else! Black and white and color photos can then be sent on-line to other people, or shared via disk. Pictures can then be imported into the Nehrenz Family Tree also. (Most copier stores now have scanners and can put photos on a disk for you. Have them saved as .gif or .jpg files)

Continuing News and Updates:

1. This summer, the Editor and his family will be back in Cleveland for a summer vacation. I plan to visit 4 or 5 of the Lutheran Churches there to compile Nehrenz ancestral information.

2. Chuck and Ruby Wolcott are planning a trip to Neubrandenburg/Trollenhagen in 1998 (which year is the 750th anniversary of its founding). Hopefully they can also go and visit Grischow as well.

3. Other projects:- / collecting photos of all Cleveland area homes our ancestors lived in, /-getting pictures of the Castle Garden Clinton monument on Manhattan Island, N.Y. where the Port of New York was before Ellis Island and where our Nehrenz ancestors first landed on Nov. 19, 1869 / your gathering of family journals, diaries and clippings about your Nehrenz "branch" of the Family Tree and making xerox and computer scanned copies!!!


(Any financial assistance is appreciated! It costs $75 to assemble and mail one newsletter)


Information about your Nehrenz family (use an extra sheet also if you'd like)
Ways you can help our efforts


Additions, Corrections for the Nehrenz Roster (addresses, phone numbers, family names...)

Order Form for "Deluxe Nehrenz Family Tree" (includes several hundred people!)

Please send ______ copy(s) at $10.00 a piece (send check made out to "Dave Nehrenz")

Your Name and Address:


Please Mail To: TNN- Dave Nehrenz 902 Carey Dr. Norman, OK. 73069

Phone: (405-360-9396) E-mail:


Let me know what you think about my page. Send mail by clicking here.