Flight Medicine

Dr. Nehrenz spent 10 years completing over 1600 flights, treating patients around the US, Canada and Mexico with some of the best flight personnel in the world. As the first full time flight therapist in the country back in 1981, His work with patients included Premi, Maternal, and Trauma. He specialized in pediatric transport and trauma and treated over 500 cases. Working in both fixed and rotor wing, he was cross trained to handle duties as a medic and therapist. He became the Director/Coordinator for the first full-time flight therapy department in the country, and later became the manager of operations.

As manager of operations, part of his role was to design and have built the medical interiors and equipment used in transport.  He developing  new oxygen systems, stretcher platforms, and equipment for each different aircraft. He was also responsible for the safety of 250 crew and a fleet of aircraft.

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© Guy Nehrenz 2022