Greetings and glad you found this Nehrenz Network webpage! Since 1995, Nehrenz family and friends have become better acquainted through our newsletters and webpage.
A Few Questions:
* Did you know that all people with the Nehrenz surname can trace their ancestry back to one man named Daniel Friedrich Nehrenz who lived in Grischow, Germany from 1749-1796?
* Did you know that this surname evolved over the years from: Nierentz to Nerenz to Nehrenz?
* Did you know that the first Nehrenz who came to America was Johann Christian Theodor Nehrenz who lived from 1820-1888?
* Did you know that Johann Christian left Trollenhagen, Germany and immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio in 1869?
* Did you know that all the Nehrenz descendants originally belonged to Trinity Lutheran Church in Cleveland, Ohio and that this sanctuary is still used for divine services today?
Anyway, this webpage is more than past history, it is also tracking our present history. There are now hundreds of people who share the Nehrenz surname or have relatives that do. So go through the newsletter links and spend some time getting to know your wide-ranging family. Remember, we are now the people making history for our generation. When we know the roots of our past, we can live better in the here and now, and prepare for exciting challenges in the future.